Calling all Bulldogs!!! For your lunch, snack or dinner plans and stop by Bill's Place at 1146 N.Maple Avenue in LaGrange Park (just 1 block off 31st Street)  on Tuesday, November 24, 2020, from 11am-8:00pm.  There are delivery and takeout available - questions about ordering call Bill's Place at (708) 352-6730.  Bill's Place has supported Riverside Brookfield Parents Sports Club and been a fixture in our community for many years helping those in need (this past Sunday they donated 100 meals to families); now it is our turn to say THANK YOU!  Please mention you're from RBHS and Boosters.

Minority Empowerment Club will be sponsoring a Diaper/Feminine Product Drive starting November 5th and continuing until Dec 5th.  Donations can be dropped off in a box in the Main entrance (Door A) or in a box outside of Room 238.  If you have donations and can not get them to RB please contact Mrs. Lojas at [email protected] for a pickup.  Donations will be given to local shelters. 

Speech Team competed at the virtual Thornton Turkey Tournament over the weekend, Congratulations to Paris Selenica who placed 4th in Novice for Humorous Interpretation, way to go Bulldogs! 

The RBGSA will be meeting on Wed Dec 2 at 3:00PM.  All are welcome. Here is the link to join:https://meet.google.com/jcs-wrpd-ovy

The Student Association Coat & Blanket Drive has begun.  Please consider donating new and gently used coats, hats, gloves, mittens, scarves and blankets.  The drop-off box is in the Commons Area.  The Drive runs through Friday, Dec 4th.  Or for contactless drop-off bring your donations to the drive-thru drop-off on Thursday, Dec 3rd, 2-3 pm OR 5:30-7 pm.  We will be outside the Circle entrance off of Door A.  Any questions can be directed to Ms Ziola or Ms Koehler.  Thank you! 

Attention Bulldog Families:  Listed below is the registration link for 2020-2021 winter sports season.  Please note, Riverside Brookfield High School District 208 will not be opening registration for Boys & Girls Basketball until further guidance has been provided by the IHSA and IDPH.  We will provide updated information as it becomes available.

http://http:// http://https://rbhs.8to18.com/accounts/login

Thank you & Go Bulldogs!
